Year Group Curriculum
Key Stage 1 - Year 1
Subjects taught:
English, Mathematics, Science, Religious Education, Computing, History, Geography, Music, Design Technology, Art, PE, PHSCE ( Personal, Health, Social Citizenship Education), Phonics
Talking to others:
- Express feelings and ideas when speaking about matters of immediate interest
- Talk in ways that are audible and intelligible to peers
- Show some awareness of the listener by adjusting spoken language and using body language
Talking to others:
- Express feelings and ideas when speaking about matters of immediate interest
- Talk in ways that are audible and intelligible to peers
- Show some awareness of the listener by adjusting spoken language and using body language
- Secure at phase 5 phonics
- Identify which words appear again and again
- Relate reading to own experiences
- Re-reads if reading does not make sense
- Re-tell with considerable accuracy
- Discuss significance of title and events
- Make predictions on basis of what has been read
- Make inferences on basis of what is being said and done
- Reads with pace & expression, i.e. pause at full stop; raise voice for question
- Knows difference between fiction and non-fiction texts.
- Write clearly demarcated sentences
- Use ‘and’ to join ideas
- Use conjunctions to join sentences (e.g. so, but)
- Use standard forms of verbs, e.g. go/went
- Evidence of:
- Capital letters
- Full Stops
- Question marks
- Exclamation marks
- Use capital letters for names & personal pronoun ‘I’
- Write clearly sequenced sentences
- Correct formation of lower case – finishing in the right place
- Correct formation of capital letters
- Correct formation of digits
- Count to & across 100, forwards & backwards from any number
- Read & write numbers to 20 in digits and words
- Read & write numbers to 100 in digits
- Say 1 more/1 less to 100
- Count in multiples of 1, 2, 5 and 10
- Know bonds to 10 by heart
- Use bonds & subtraction facts to 20
- Add & subtract:
- 1 digit & 2 digit numbers to 20, including zero
- Add any three 1-digit numbers with a total up to 20
- Solve simple multiplication & division with apparatus & arrays
- Recognise half and quarter of object, shape or quantity
- Sequence events in order
- Use language of day, week, month and year
- Tell time to hour & half past
Key Stage 1 - Year 1
Key Stage 1 - Year 2
Subjects taught:
English, Mathematics, Science, Religious Education, Computing, History, Geography, Music, Design Technology, Art, PE, PHSCE ( Personal, Health, Social Citizenship Education), Philosophy for Children
English & Mathematics
Talking to others:
- Recount experiences. giving some detail and using appropriate descriptive language
- Think of a range of questions to ask a visitor when on a visit
- Know how to vary talk to hold listeners’ attention
- Make specific vocabulary choices and use non-verbal features to engage listener
Talking to others:
- Help to organise group to take on different roles
- Recognise the need to take equal turns in a group situation
- Listen to and build on the contribution of the previous speaker
- Make helpful contributions when speaking in turn
- Try to hear and consider the different preferences and interests in the group
- Secure at phase 6
- Reads ahead to help with fluency & expression
- Comments on plot, setting & characters in familiar & unfamiliar stories
- Recounts main themes & events
- Comments on structure of the text
- Use commas. question marks & exclamation marks to vary expression
- Read aloud with expression & intonation
- Recognise:
- Speech marks
- Contractions
- ldentify post/present tense
- Use content and index to local information
- Write different kinds of sentence: statement. question, exclamation, command
- Use expanded noun phrases to add description & specification
- Write using subordination (when, if, that, because)
- Correct & consistent use of present tense & post tense
- Correct use of verb tenses
- Correct & consistent use of:
- Capital letters
- Fullstops
- Question marks
- Exclamation marks Commas in a list
- Apostrophe (omission)
- Introduction of speech marks
- Write under headings
- Evidence of diagonal & horizontal strokes to join handwriting
- Compare & order numbers up to 100
- Read and Write all numbers to 100 in digits & words
- Say 10 more/less than any number to 100
- Count in multiples of 2, 3 & 5 & 10 from any number up to 100
- Recall & use multiplication & division facts for 2, 5 & 10 tables
- Recall & use +/- facts to 20.
- Derive & use related facts to 100
- Recognise PV of any 2-digit number
- Add & subtract:
- 2-digit nos & ones
- 2-digit nos & tens
- Two 2-digit nos
- Three 1-digit nos
- Recognise & use inverse (+/-)
- Calculate & Write multiplication & division calculations using multiplication tables
- Recognise & use inverse (x&/)
- Recognise, find, name & write 1/3; 1/4: 2/4: 3/4
- Recognise equivalence of simple fractions
- Tell time to five minutes, including quarter past/to
Key Stage 1 - Year 2
Key Stage 2 - Year 3
Subjects taught:
English, Mathematics, Science, Religious Education, Computing, History, Geography, Music, Design Technology, Art, PE, PHSCE ( Personal, Health, Social Citizenship Education)
English & Mathematics
Talking to others:
- Develop ideas and feelings through sustained talk
- Show good awareness of the listener and organise what is said accordingly
- Understand the need to use a different style, tone and loudness of speech when speaking to a larger audience
- Use special words linked to the topic being discussed
Talking to others:
- Listen carefully and then make relevant comments in response to what has been said
- Agree about what is the most difficult problem in the task and how to tackle it
- Suggest different ideas related to a specific problem
- Summarise the main issues associated with a talk they have listened to
- Comments on the way characters relate to one another
- Knows which words are essential in a sentence to retain meaning
- Draw inferences such as inferring characters’ feelings, thoughts & motives from their actions
- Recognise how commas are used to give more meaning
- Recognise
- plurals
- pronouns and how used
- collective nouns
- adverbs
- Can explain the difference that adjectives and verbs make
- Use conjunctions (when, so, before, after, while, because)
- Use adverbs (e.g, then, next, soon)
- Use prepositions (e.g. before, after, during, in, because of)
- Experiment with adjectives to create impact
- Correctly use verbs in 1st, 2nd & 3rd person
- Use perfect form of verbs to make relationships of time & cause
- Correct use of speech marks for direct speech
- Group ideas into paragraphs around a theme
- Write under headings & sub-headings
- Legible, joined handwriting
- Compare & order numbers up to 1000
- Read & write all numbers to 1000 in digits & words
- Find 10 or 100 more/less than a given number
- Count from 0 in multiples of 4, 8, 50 & 100
- Recall & use multiplication & division facts for 3, 4, 8 tables
- Recognise PV of any 3-digit number
- Add & subtract:
- 3-digit nos & ones
- 3-digit nos & tens
- 3-digit nos & hundreds
- Add & subtract:
- Numbers with up to 3-digits using efficient written method (column)
- Use inverse to check
- Multiply:
- 2-digit by 1-digit
- Count up/down in tenths
- Compare & order fractions with same denominator
- +/-fractions with same denominator with whole
- Know pairs of fractions that total 1
- Tell time using 12 and 24 hour clocks; and using roman numerals
- Tell time to nearest minute
- Know number of days in each month
Key Stage 2 - Year 3
Key Stage 2 - Year 4
Subjects taught:
English, Mathematics, Science, Religious Education, Computing, History, Geography, Music, Design Technology, Art, PE, PHSCE ( Personal, Health, Social Citizenship Education)
English & Mathematics
Talking to others:
- Adapt talk to suit specific audience. e.g. younger children or adults
- Give listeners/partners clear reasons or evidence for their views
- Speak with good diction so that the audience can hear clearly what is said
- Give listeners enough detail to communicate meaning clearly
Talking to others:
- Happy to attempt different roles and responsibilities, according to what is needed
- Discuss ways of making use of what they have learnt from a discussion, presentation or broadcast
- Explain how the group discussion arrived at an agreed view in relation to the aim of the task
- Make thoughtful use of the resources available to develop and illustrate ideas in discussion
- Give a personal point of view on a text.
- Can re-explain a text with confidence.
- Justify inferences with evidence, predicting what might happen from details stated or implied
- Use appropriate voices for characters within a story
- Identify how sentence type can be changed by altering word order, tenses, adding/deleting words or amending punctuation.
- Skims & scans to locate information and/or answer a question.
- Write clearly demarcated sentences
- Use ‘and’ to join ideas
- Use conjunctions to join sentences (e.g. so, but)
- Use standard forms of verbs, e.g. go/went
- Evidence of:
- Capital letters
- Full Stops
- Question marks
- Exclamation marks
- Use capital letters for names & personal pronoun ‘I’
- Write clearly sequenced sentences
- Correct formation of lower case – finishing in the right place
- Correct formation of capital letters
- Correct formation of digits
- Count backwards through zero to include negative numbers.
- Compare & order numbers beyond 1000
- Compare & order numbers with 2 decimal places.
- Read Roman numerals to 100
- Find 1000 more/less than a given number.
- Count in multiples at 6, 7, 9, 25 & 1000.
- Recall & use multiplication & division facts all tables to 12×12.
- Recognise PV of any 4-digit number.
- Round any number to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000.
- Round decimals with 1dp to nearest whole number.
- Add & subtract:
- Numbers with up to 4-digits using efficient written method (column).
- Numbers with up to 1 dp.
- Multiply:
- 2-digit by 1-digit
- 3-digit by 1-digit
- Divide:
- 3-digit by 1-digit
- Count up/down in hundredths.
- Write equivalent fractions
- +/- fractions with some denominator.
- Read, write & convert time between analogue & digital 12 & 24 hour clocks.
Key Stage 2 - Year 4
Key Stage 2 - Year 5
Subjects taught:
English, Mathematics, Science, Religious Education, Computing, History, Geography, Music, Design Technology, Art, PE, PHSCE ( Personal, Health, Social Citizenship Education), Philosophy for Children, French
English & Mathematics
Talking to others:
- Talk in extended turns to express straightforward ideas and feelings
- Capture listeners interest with intriguing situation, setting and character when telling story or recalling event
- Describe situation, creature or character in such clear detail and language that others identify it easily and confidently
- Present conflicting views of an argument and reach a considered conclusion
Talking to others:
- Show good understanding of what has been said and are able to introduce new ideas that are valid.
- Listen to others responsively in discussion and link own ideas clearly to others views, even when these views are different
- Know as group leader what to do to help the discussion to develop well
- Reflect on the contributions of different members of the group and consider the effect of each role.
- Summarises main points of an argument or discussion within their reading & makes up own mind about issues.
- Can compare between two texts.
- Appreciates that people use bias in persuasive writing
- Appreciates how two people may have a different view on the same event
- Draw inferences and justify with evidence from the text.
- Varies voice for direct or indirect speech.
- Recognise: Clauses within sentences
- Uses more than one source when carrying out research.
- Creates set of notes to summarise what has been read
- Add phrases to make sentences more precise & detailed.
- Use range of sentence openers-judging the impact or effect needed.
- Begin to adopt sentence structure to text type.
- Use pronouns to avoid repetition.
- Use:
- Brackets.
- Dashes.
- Commas.
- Use commas to clarify meaning or ovoid ambiguity.
- Link clauses in sentences using a range of subordinating & coordinating conjunctions.
- Use verb phrases to create subtle differences (e.g, she began to run).
- Consistently organise into paragraphs.
- Link ideas across paragraphs using adverbials of time (e.g. later), place (e.g. nearby) and number (e.g. secondly)
- Legible and fluent handwriting style
- Count forwards & backward with positive & negative numbers through zero.
- Count forwards/backwards in steps or powers of 10 for any given number up to 1000000.
- Compare & order numbers with 3 decimal places, read Roman numerals to 1000.
- Identify all multiples & factors, including finding all factor pairs.
- Use known tables to derive other number facts.
- Recall prime numbers up to 19
- Recognise PV of any number up to 1000000.
- Round any number up to 1000000 to the nearest 10, 100, 1000, 10000 or 100000.
- Round decimals with 2dp to nearest whole number & 1dp.
- Add & Subtract
- Numbers with more than 4-digits using efficient written method (column).
- Numbers with up to 2dp.
- Multiply
- 4-digits by 1-digit/2-digit
- Divide
- 4-digits by 1-digit
- Multiply and Divide
- Whole numbers & decimals by 10, 100 & 1000
- Count up/down in thousandths.
- Recognise mixed numbers & fractions & convert from one to another.
- Multiply proper fractions by whole numbers.
- Solve time problems using timetables and converting between different units of time.
Key Stage 2 - Year 5
Key Stage 2 - Year 6
Subjects taught:
English, Mathematics, Science, Religious Education, Computing, History, Geography, Music, Design Technology, Art, PE,PHSCE ( Personal, Health, Social Citizenship Education), Philosophy for Children, French
English & Mathematics
Talking to others:
- Vary vocabulary. grammar and non-verbal features to suit the needs of audience
- Shape folk very deliberately for effect and clarity
- Present a strong argument in a formal debate on an issue, using the language and procedures of debating
- Agree some good ways for opening and closing an interview
- Present a spoken argument that develops coherently and logically and supports its points with evidence and persuasive language
Talking to others:
- Recognise significant detail and implicit meanings in others contributions
- Comfortable in developing others’ ideas in different ways
- Show a growing ability to shape the direction of the talk
- Listen to the debate with an open mind, recall the main arguments and decide, for clear reasons, which one was the most convincing
- Work together as a group to prepare an argument against or for the motion in a debate
- Refers to text to support opinions and predictions
- Gives a view about choice of vocabulary, structure etc
- Distinguish between fact & opinion
- Appreciates how a set of sentences has been arranged to create maximum effect
- Recognise: Complex sentences
- Skims and scans to aide note-taking.
- Use subordinate clauses to write complex sentences.
- Use passive voice where appropriate
- Use expanded noun phrases to convey complicated information concisely (e.g. the fact that it was raining meant the end of sports day).
- Evidence of sentence structure and layout matched to requirements of text type.
- Use
- Semi-colon, colon, dash to mark the boundary between independent clauses
- Correct punctuation of bullet points.
- Hyphens to avoid ambiguity.
- Full range of punctuation matched to requirements of text type.
- Use wide range of devices to build cohesion within and across paragraphs.
- Use paragraphs to signal change in time, scene, action, mood or person.
- Legible, fluent and personal handwriting style.
- Compare & order numbers up to 10000000.
- ldentify common factors, common multiples & prime numbers.
- Round any whole number to a required degree of accuracy.
- Multiply:
- 4-digit by 2-digit
- Divide
- 4-digits by 2-digit
- Add & subtract fractions with different denominators & mixed numbers.
- Multiply simple pairs of proper fractions, writing the answer in the simplest form.
- Divide proper fractions by whole numbers.
- Calculate % of whole number.
Key Stage 2 - Year 6
Safeguarding across the curriculum - Overview
Safeguarding across the curriculum