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  3. Reception


Class Name: Cherry

Year Group: Reception / Foundation Stage 2


Welcome to Reception class, also known as Cherry class

Welcome to Cherry Class. We are Reception class which is part of the ‘Early Years Foundation Stage’ (EYFS) and also the first year of full time school.

We do lots of practical learning activities, both indoors and outdoors which enable us to play, talk, explore, create, think, investigate, wonder, observe and generally be very noisy and messy!

We learn best through purposeful play experiences in an enabling environment which is well structured and accessible so we can choose and use resources independently. Our learning includes a balance of activities planned by adults and others which we initiate ourselves.

Throughout the year our learning is structured through daily Phonics, Maths and Literacy sessions as well as ‘Learning Challenges’ such as, ‘Why does the dragon dance?’ and ‘Who lives in Happy Town?’

It’s lots of fun in Cherry Class….. Why don’t you come and say hello?


Home Learning


Book Bags including..

  • A ‘reading’ book linked to our ‘Read, Write, Inc.’ phonics scheme.
  • A ‘library’ book to share with an adult.
  • A Phonics practise book to learn new sounds.
  • A red word fan to learn to read and spell irregular words.


Handwriting practise linked to the ‘Read, Write, Inc. phonics scheme.


Maths – This is often a game or practical activity.



An activity linked to the class ‘Learning Challenge’ or Theme.



Parents and carers are invited to add their own contributions to their child’s Learning Journey by completing ‘Wow’ sheets when their child does something they are proud of. A guidance booklet is given to parents with ideas linked to the areas of learning in the EYFS Curriculum. Many of these ‘Wow’ sheets are displayed on the ‘Wow Wall’ outside the classroom.


Our learning for this term…
1/2 term plans will appear here


Spelling lists for the year

Teacher & Staff


Mrs S Sherratt


Reception Teaching Assistant


Miss R Mason


Reception Teacher

Senior Leadership Team

Early Years Lead


Mrs T Bolter


Lunchtime Play Leader

Reception Class

Breakfast Club / Facilities Staff


Mrs D Robinson


Reception Teaching Assistant